Saturday, September 23, 2017

A Christian testimony

I struggled with anxiety-depression and addictions, alongside the many trials of being a "child of wrath" (Ephesians 2:3), for circa 40 years, even as I read the Bible and worshipped at churches (which did not properly honour God's Word). Then in 2013 I faced up to the truth: the Holy Bible was right, I was wrong. Thanks to the testimonies of many courageous people, I had come to believe that the entire Bible is God's Word, and that I could entrust my rescue to Christ Jesus. 

Encouraged by a preacher who with her husband had established a church in Kibera, Kenya, I prayed for baptism in the Holy Spirit, and people laid hands on me. Like the Holy Bible and Bob Dylan say: a great deed of power took place. I know that, and can witness to that truthfully, not only because of what happened in that moment, when I experienced something like the power of a very strong sun radiating into me, if only for a few seconds. It's also a sure witness because 4 years later, I see that I haven't been the same person since. I have experienced liberation from slavery to sin, just as the Holy Bible testifies:

"But gratitude be to the God,
because you were slaves of the sin,
yet you obeyed from heart unto that
to which you were delivered—
that form of teaching. Then, having
been liberated from the sin, you were
enslaved to the righteousness." 
(Romans 6:17-18)

The Holy Bible is true in saying that God does rescue people through Christ Jesus. I know this because I have the same experience as countless other Christians: when I put ALL my trust in Jesus, I was set free from many kinds of slavery (to sins, wrath, addictions, etc.). But I had to walk free, choose freedom. For example, I continued to use filthy language, because I hadn't read in the New Testament the commandment not to.

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