Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Don't underestimate corruption levels

Christ warns of a time when lawlessness is increasing and the love of many has grown cold: "yet the [one] enduring to the end will be saved" (Matthew 24). I believe, based on my experience, that we are in such a time, so lawless, so unloving, that even our Bible translations have been corrupted, which makes the task of enduring in faith in Almighty Christ much harder than most people recognise. Yes, even the King James Version has grave mistranslations that sponsor satanic behaviours (see my online free book A Guide to Misleading Bible Quotes* for examples.)

Please remember that the Bible warns about massive levels of deception (2 Thessalonians 2, Revelation 20). Don't make an idol of the King James Version, or a church tradition going back centuries. Worship Almighty God only.


* A Guide to Misleading Bible Quotes is available for now here,