Thursday, February 11, 2016

Three theological goals

Are these three goals within reach for Christians today?
  1. Theology that overcomes major schisms, so that the world may believe. (Cp. John 17:21)
  2. Theology that effectively shepherds Christians to overcome and to enter eternal life. To reveal the Bible’s clear system of sanctification and overcoming (Rev. 2-3) that leads to salvation.
  3. Theology that is as robust as any other science. To establish methods that produce knowledge that is as reliable as the other sciences’. The Bible is, after all, the basis of science (historically, and by supplying key presuppositions about the reliability of evidence and logic) and makes continual appeal to evidence and logic in the manner of the best sciences.
Reflexion indicates that these goals are inter-related, even so much so that achieving any one of them (perhaps) achieves the other two.

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