Thursday, March 21, 2024

Good news versus fake news

Update: I would like to question the texts highlighted in yellow below. Firstly, how much can one sin, after receiving baptism, and still reach eternal life? There is some tension in Jesus's words. On the one hand, Jesus demands that churches forgive and include repentant sinners, though they sin 70 times 7 times, meaning repeatedly. On the other hand, Jesus warns at the end of Revelation that people who are in sins such as fornication or idolatry will not enter eternal life. 
Secondly, the invisibility of God's community on Earth is indeed a possibility, given the Lord Jesus's question of whether there will be any faith on Earth when the Son of Humanity (or Son of Man) returns.

Popular phrases of today help us to contrast the "Good News" from God, with "Fake News".

Good news: God sets people free from sin-slavery.
Fake news: God counts sinners (who believe in Jesus) righteous.

Good news: God calls all people to be rescued from evil.
Fake news: God gives a license to continue in evil.

Good news: God provides all the means to transform a person from a sinner into a person full of goodness.
Fake news: A Christian cannot stop sinning. 

Good news: God established a holy and good community of people on earth who with one mind, heart and life witness to God's holiness and goodness.
Fake news: God's community is often invisible. 

Good news: God acts to warn Christians if they are going astray, for example by allowing illness and other forms of evil to enter in.
Fake news: God never chastizes because all sins are already forgiven. 

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